

ArcheAge 4.0 Update Will Reach NA & EU This Year + More!

Trion Worlds recently announced that the upcoming major 4.0 Update for ArcheAge will be applied to the North American and European version of the game!

What will be in it? Well, a new PVP naval arena, cross-server arenas, lunagem crafting revisions, raid recruitment system, and UI changes.

✦ The naval arena is called Bloodsalt Bay where crews of 5 can fight to dominate the waters of Bloodsalt Bay. Each team will be competing against 3 other ships.
✦ Luna Gem Upgrading has been simplified and success rates changed.
✦ New cross-server arena system will have 3v3 and 5v5.
✦ Raid recruitment Board will be up for those looking to recruit members for raids.

I talked about it in my video below as well as the merge and other MMORPG recent news.